Refunds & Exchanges
To process a return, please go to our returns page and you can get the process started. If you would like a return label emailed to you, it is a $10 charge and will be deducted from your refund.
Ship your package back to us, unused, with its original tags and bags, in the original box within 30 days from delivery. Please include a copy of your order receipt in the box. If exchanging, please include the style/size/color for which you'd like to exchange. Keep the tracking number of your return. Send items to the address below.
You can start your returns here.
We will inspect your return within one business day, evaluate the condition the returned items are in, and refund your order based on the above.
You should expect to receive your refund within two business days of your package being delivered to our warehouse. If it takes longer than that, please contact us.
If your return is not in its original form or damaged, you will not receive a refund. or exchange.
Suits & More - Returns
54 Freeman St.
Newark, NJ 07105